Profile: Douglas FryerDouglas Fryer
![]() Lambing Shed 15 x 15" Oil "Art happens in the heart and in the mind and in the soul, not just in the hand." Douglas Fryer's pensive and atmospheric paintings point to the essences of his subjects. He is recording, in paint, his emotional responses to those places, objects and people that have inspired him and hoping to awaken an emotional response in his viewers.
Fryer studied at Brigham Young University, receiving a BFA in Illustration and an MFA in Painting and Drawing. He has taught fine art and illustration at Brigham Young, the University of Hartford in Connecticut, and the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. He lives and paints in the countryside of Spring City, Utah. ![]() Spring Thaw - North End 36 x 48" Oil We asked him to tell us about his inspiration and about his processes. What is it about a landscape that sparks your creative juices - the light, the composition, the subject? I tend to see the land as shape, pattern and edges. Of course in painting these become planes, marks and hard and soft transitions of value and color. Once the subject is decided, the only choices you have left are ones of composition. It is all about the arranging of marks on a surface,
and the creation of an abstracted version of reality, with the suggestion of things that are unseen, but felt. Is painting outdoors necessary for your studio work? What approximate percentage of your painting time is spent in the studio and what percentage is spent painting outdoors? I do very little painting outdoors. I really enjoy the process of making compositional decisions in the studio.100 hours inside to every hour outside painting. Learn more about Douglas Fryer in our in-depth interview.
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